Do You Have? A Hurricane or Flood Damaged Vehicle?
Have a wrecked, damaged or junk car or vehicle sitting in your driveway? Well, we have good news for you! That car still has value and you can turn it into cash in no time. At You Call We Haul™, our network of buyers is looking for all kinds of vehicles. So, if a tree has fallen on your car, if you have flood damage, or it just doesn’t run anymore, simply take some photos and tell us a little bit about the vehicle and we will turn it into cash!

Take advantage of our unique national network of buyers. They’ll bid on your vehicle in real time, giving you fast local service and the best price.

No more waiting! Select a pick-up time that works for you. We’ll verify your car’s condition, check the title status, and handle all the paperwork.

We buy all kinds of used, damaged, and non-functioning vehicles. That includes cars, trucks, wagons, sport utility vehicles, and even hybrids.
Alternatively, you can donate your car to charity for a tax deduction!
Resources and FAQ
The following is a list of resources and frequently asked questions aimed at helping owners of vehicles that have been flood damaged or flood totaled.
Keeping Your Car Running After a Flood
That depends on the vehicle and your level of automotive know-how. However, if you own a hybrid vehicle STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND CONTACT AN EXPERIENCED TOWER OR SHOP.
If your car is not a hybrid or electric, but it was submerged into the wheel-well or if you think it was: STOP, DON’T PROCEED. You’ll need to take your time and do your research. Below is a helpful and interesting article from the fine folks at Jalopnik about the effects of water on your vehicle’s engine and some pretty strong caution against proceeding too quickly.
How to Keep Your Car Running After a Flood
You should also be very careful about whom you sell your vehicle to. Usually, after a natural disaster, there will be a large number of ‘opportunistic’ buyers who will try to acquire affected vehicles for little money and then later try to pass them off as ‘clean’ units. We recommend only selling to licensed dealers and dismantlers who understand the important intricacies and legal requirements of hurricane and flood vehicles.
You Call We Haul deals exclusively with properly licensed and insured auto recyclers and scrap operations. Using You Call We Haul’s mobile tool allows you to easily relate these details to a prospective buyer and get a fair and reliable quote for your damaged car or truck.
We can help connect you to the best buyers in the business. If you want to deal directly we recommend that you look for some established brands when it comes to locating a licensed recycler.
Look for:
United Recyclers Group (URG)
Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA)
If your vehicle was totaled in a hurricane, fire, or by collision damage, and an insurance claim was paid to you but you’re still in possession of the vehicle (this is commonly referred to as an ‘owner retained’ unit), you are likely to receive a salvage title on your vehicle. You must carefully disclose all this information before selling the unit.
This is a very common problem and there are resources available to help you apply for a duplicate title! If you plan on selling the vehicle using You Call We Haul. Click here to find state-specific instructions on replacing your lost title.